Excellent post, Stephanie!

After writing two memoirs, I can "Amen" the fact that writing is a process of self-discovery.

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Thanks, Marian. The ongoing process of self-discovery is so much of what I love about fellow writers!

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Hi Stephanie,

I love this post, and I love that you are a true writer; writing is a craft that takes lots of work. You are right: writers must consider the readers; after all, it is the readers who decide whether a novel is worthwhile to them. I agree that having a theme is super important. Theme is one of the things I look for in a good novel.

I'm so happy for you that an agent is revisiting two of your novels. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you that they achieve great success.

You explain the elements of a successful story so very well in each part of your series. It is so clear and joyful that you love writing.

I work in non-fiction, and the elements are very similar to those when writing a fictional story: staying true to theme, having a protagonist, etc.

I so appreciate your honest appraisal of fiction writing. You offer tremendous insights. Thank you.

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Beth, Thank you for hanging in there with the entire series. What I love about our relationship is that when you talk about the process of painting, I see so many cross-overs and vice versa. We all owe it to our art to study the form -- or as one of my favorite writing teachers, Robert McKee says: "Do the work. Tell the Truth. The results will follow."

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Our job is to honor our art, and we do that by showing up to the work. The quote by Robert McKee is spot-on.

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So if I lie on the couch and eat bon-bons and watch telenovelas until the muse strikes, and then I write like mad for 50k words, I still won't have novel until it has a theme? What! Stephanie, thank you for this whole series in the guts and bones of story, and why all of it matters. I especially appreciate your clear explanation of theme in this one, and your willingness to share your personal experience. May your new agent sell both novels, and may you keep writing for as long as it fulfills, challenges and sustains you!

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Writing fills my heart and soul -- it's a process of self-discovery that I hope to do for as long as possible. Thank you for "getting" the purpose of this series. Much appreciation for the encouragement and goodwill.

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